From September 2022 Mahsa Amini’s death led to a season of protests for human rights in Iran. Protests started in the birth city of Amini and have been followed by student’s mobilisation in the main universities of the country. During the following months Iran protests have spread all over the country and seen a large and diverse participation of the population. This has also generated many solidarity manifestations outside the country. Last year came to an end with the most violent repression of the protests, trials, and executions.
This new year starts with the news of Mehdi Zare Ashkzari’s death, ex Pharmacy student in Bologna, who had come back to Iran two years ago and is now one of the victims of the protests’ repression in Iran.
This tragedy reminds us even stronger that no injustice in this world is too far to affect us, and that, with regards to human rights, people of all countries are just one single community.
As students have been at the forefront of the mobilisation, universities all over the country have become the main scene of clashes between authorities and protesters, resulting in violent raids and dozens of arrests. Students have organised sits-in and exhorted colleagues and professors to stop classes until protesters will be released. As often happens, universities are the propulsion centres of opposition against limitations of freedom and human right violations and for that they frequently are the main target of the most violent repression.
The government of Iran has a long history of conflict with universities, which were closed in 1980 and then reopened with a strong political and cultural control by the government. Regimes always see in students and professors and their exercise of free speech and thoughts the biggest threat to their stability. We cannot stay silent in front of the violence of the Iranian government repression, the terrifying raids in universities, the shootings, the arrests, the deaths.
ADI stands with Iranian colleagues and all the protesters who are courageously fighting for their rights of freedom, justice, manifestation, constantly risking their lives.
Pubblicato Ven, 06/01/2023 - 12:05
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